Please fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly.


Ask for more information or make an appointment, today!

General Information
+30 2310 986 000

Outpatient Care Unit
+30 2310 986 100

End of 17 Noemvri, Eleones, Pylaia
54301, P.O. Box 16505, Thessaloniki, Greece

Please send us your message and we will contact you the soonest possible.

Κέντρο Αποκατάστασης Euromedica Αρωγή Θεσσαλονίκη σταση οασθ

If you wish to come to Euromedica-Arogi by bus, you need to get the 14A (stop: Kliniki Genesis, stop code: 15106)

OASTH (Thessaloniki Bus Company) WEBSITE

Visit our page at

Visiting Hours

Inpatient Care

Monday - Saturday 18:00-20:00
Sunday 12:00-14:00 & 18:00-20:00

High Dependency Unit (HDU)

Monday - Sunday 13:00-13:30